
  Potato Jay (Gone)

(Non-Connon Btw)

30 views - 5 years ago

  Potato Jay (Gone)

This is a stupid fight

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55 views - 5 years ago

  Potato Jay (Gone)


While in the Shatter Dimesion, Raging Red The most well known warrior is dead but tr...

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73 views - 5 years ago

  Potato Jay (Gone)

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53 views - 5 years ago

  Potato Jay (Gone)

Seems we evenly tied

But blue got got some death in him

23 views - 5 years ago

  Potato Jay (Gone)

36 views - 5 years ago

  Potato Jay (Gone)

God of Frost -Dead
God of Fire -Dead
God of Lightning -Alive
God of Death -Alive
God of Souls...

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58 views - 5 years ago

  Potato Jay (Gone)

This is some foreshadowing

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39 views - 5 years ago

  Potato Jay (Gone)

Blue spared red's life...but black death kicked in and took over

While red was ...

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43 views - 5 years ago

  Potato Jay (Gone)

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38 views - 5 years ago

  Potato Jay (Gone)

Playing a game called blackout and just to die by lag

XDdesbite: my duo partner.

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83 views - 5 years ago

  Potato Jay (Gone)

The Flaming Rage team is slowly winning against the broken team

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41 views - 5 years ago

  Potato Jay (Gone)

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32 views - 5 years ago

  Potato Jay (Gone)

Seems like we got some unexpected guests from the other story.

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66 views - 5 years ago