I don’t even know what I am anymore
I think I’m the fabric in between the reality of other uni...
Lots of practice, frustration and discouragement.
Yeah I’ll make a wb when I’m done with the QnA
I’ve committed no war crimes
But there’s always something I can add to my bucket list
Uh no?
I only stuff alive bodies in my trunk, stuffing dead bodies is boring,
How are they go...
Yes, this character is… something, it used to look very different
My motivation was TSBK
but then when he left, I just wanted to fill the empty gap he left behind...
The last bad animation I made was the QnA animation lol
I don’t need them extremely
But they help if I’m looking at the white board at school
For at least a week
I’m going winter vacay 🤩
So I’m gonna try to make this good
Gm my wafers ...