Flappywolf212 (currently: o...
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SOMEONE PLZ FRICKIN NAME THEM! (Left-girl right-boy)
Name: Zack | fav color: blue | Zodiac: Aries | Single (duh) | likes: fun outgoing things, blue, g...
It’s so hard because with me I’m the only girl that likes girls that ik and so nobody is gonna lo...
Should I stay wolf or go human?
U get in feeling a little sick because of the unsettling feeling this man is giving u it isn’t to...
You call the vet and the pet ambulance comes soon after but the guy who came out of the truck giv...
U befriend the cat and pet it softly u notice the cat is hurt so u... 1)take the cat home and ta...
You find and injured stray cat in a box in a dark alley way,there seems to be nobody there and u ...
I’m gay