✝️Mister london✝️. animatio...
Tomorrow everyone at my school is dressing up for halloween and so am I
I think i'm seeing things again (*^^*)
Is long before time even had a name , And earth humans and monsters Lived ,, Until they had a wa...
Just destroyed a city filled with drug dealers. And criminals , And people that kidnap people ,,...
There is a village in my forest and they are trespassing , They are not welcomed here ,, So i'm g...
And i'm feeling okay and i'm doing just fine (*^^*)
In real life I'm about ## ft tall
I'm very bored , (*^^*),
Running from a cop car at McDonald's on a Tuesday afternoon they missed every shot so I jumped of...
Well after I recovered from my injuries my friend ☣️tox it still Ten feet tall ,, That Potion is ...
Different hairstyle New eye color Tanned Skin Different color clothes Also has a bag , Also...