Is this a m-meme? .. I have absolutely no c-clue what this is ;w; .. I just heard a lot of people...
t-today was not a very good d-day ... f-for some reason I been dazed, not listening.. just confus...
Thanks y-you guys for all the love and support~! ;,33 .. I really don't d-deserve wonderful peopl...
I just listened to this song on the radio ;v; , and doodled something out ... b-but I'll hopefull...
Eugh-.. I'm stressing about a group project that we have to present in front of the whole class ;...
* le cries* I just watched a movie that was suppose to b-be more humor.. but in my mind , it was ...
Ask meh anything ;u; ..( I'm so sorry, I'm just really bored ;v; ) I'll be doing some dares too I...
Ehh-... I going to the movies later ;v;
Yeet! I'm going to the movie theater ;u;L ..
I'm going to sleep early -.. * le yawn* ..
Sorry it took so long ;v; , I had to finish up some homework
Which sans would you hang out with :,DD ( I'm so sorry.. I did this at round midnight ;u;)
I'll s-see you guys tomorrow ( hopefully ) because I need a skela-TON of sleep ( eyyyy~ ;,3 * co...
They will always be here X,3
It is POURING outside ;-; ,..* jazz hands* and I got to walk home :,DD .. ;^;