Why are all the people I think are cool folkwint MD huh?
I mean.. I'm extremely grateful but I f...
Mother would you still love me,
If I wasn't your little girl?
If I never wanted to make somersa...
Random shitpost about my possum stuffed animal
Why does it feel like I have to create actual a...
Me whenever someone I really like compliments my post or likes kt (I shed tears from how hard I s...
I just used seek
Monday Morning Misery
Funky Friday?
(Both are FnF replicas on Roblox)
Baaaagghhgge just got out of the shower looking like a freeze dried rat
I was absolutely busting...
That the drawing is finished.. and i was there to watch it! and that you guys can see it.. later.
Just watching em draw
Not closed, but link taken off for the night! So griefers won't get in. Dm me on discord or.. jus...
Yippie! You should go follow em!
This is the first time it's ever happened oh my heavens ohdb ah vshod shit maybe I need to eat so...