Hehe I tried XD
Hell: Uhmm-... ///////
Howdy :3 TB : Zzz
:T /////
Ask Lucy! Fresh : dear she always like yo be asked- Lucy: JUST ASK MEH :D
XD She keep hugging him for no reason and that annoying him alot, he can't stop her because he d...
I feel sleepy I wanna go sleep again XD TB { *Yawns* }
Because Fresh said that she is just for him XDDDDD Lel *dab* she keep dancing and screaming
That always happen to Lucy and she gonna R.I.P him soon XD lel, Fresh always forget about hanging...
Here is the answer and GoodBye Hope ya understand what I meant :D If you want me to stay- just...
I'm leaving anime maker for 5 days You guys need have fun I always make u depressed and sad so ...
Have a nice day