one day there was three slow ass kids that had wandered their way off of the short bus
and they ...
it was this ugly girls fucking birthday
she asks for a peice of me sexy
but then wheelchair dyl...
jim feels the rhythm in his fucking soul
watch him dance the night away
he bounces his fattttt ...
wheelchair dylan meets wheelchair willy and they have a party and talk about fucking equal ass ri...
whore frog found a tiny pp
she decided to perch on it
it turned her to stone and she cried out ...
he asked for a smooch
she said no and slapped him
he jumped off a fucking building
this fucking ugly ass worm
crawls and hops his tiny ass a round
demon under the floor
try to not be gay
eat the floor and the shelf
happy halloween
to you from me
fuck you
and fuck all you too
the pumpkins will be carve
mr sexy was a quest for some booty ass cheeks
so he went to mr kind toes house
at the house he ...
wheelchair jimmy has seizures
it’s time to make him have a dance party on the floor
i was just a small shrimp, afraid of the dark
then one day i say what looked like cracked out le...
billy buys a retard dog but he doesn’t know his down syndrome is contagious
so billy accidental...
billy is on crack but he also has down syndrome
so he looks in a mirror and watches himself beco...
bird turd brown
retard red
and peeped pink do crack
anteater has a fat ass price of gum
she fed it to a turtle in the sea
she spit the rapper and a...