Have no ideas
My idiot brain have no ideas😰
This bitch dead
And what do you do when it’s dead?
Get a new one
I also just want to start ove...
I fucking hate how I’ll never be good enough for my family
I’ll always be the disappointment
I cleaned part of my room
Im so tired
My mom saw it and was just like “cool, it isn’t that cle...
My friend has 9-1-1 ready to call and a knife 🙄🙄
We r screwed🤗🤗
If I go out like this I better ...
Got pulled to councilor cool cool
Jesus when is shit not the worst🥰
The most I’ve cried this year was like 2 tears😚😚😚
I wanna like
I hate not being able to cr...
So much shit has happened in 2022 and it’s not even February yet 😰
Yeah no don want my birthday this year Ty🥰
My body
Feels grody
And the drawing saying “possible love interest?”
This whole past 2 weeks have fucking sucked
Wednesday everything went to absolute shit and it ju...
My ex friend that I became un healthily attached to their parents hated me and it sucked and I fe...