

I’ll be back eventually
Until then I love you
Stay strong and carry on
Never forget what mak...

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148 观点 - 1 years ago


I’m done, like ima go, me and Roman are done he’s gone, Styx and me are done she’s I don’t fuckin...

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63 观点 - 1 years ago


Styx we aren’t on good terms now, all I’m gonna say, i refuse to go into more detail
Anyways go...

43 观点 - 1 years ago


Fuck everyone else, (not really just selective few)
I don’t know why they think sick jokes like...

29 观点 - 1 years ago


Have you fucking seen what you did to artsy? They are crying and having a panic attack, you are a...

36 观点 - 1 years ago


How could you make a “Prank” telling cross how bad they are and make them suicidal, and you revea...

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36 观点 - 1 years ago


Thank you to everyone checking in on me (Even void)
You all mean so much to me, especially you c...

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21 观点 - 1 years ago


Also I’m having mad crazy cramps right now, I wana rip off my vagina and pretend it was never there

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23 观点 - 1 years ago


Yeah shit was wild lmao
Anyways just found out ghost eye is a Nazi that isn’t fun 💀

39 观点 - 1 years ago


But I gotta get this out there
Roman your a fucking asshole, you don’t talk to me, you never eve...

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27 观点 - 1 years ago


It doesn’t help I’m left handed so 💀

17 观点 - 1 years ago


Anyways, I wrote some stupid vent shit in my notes so ima share a bit of it with you cause I have...

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57 观点 - 1 years ago


And I have so many cuts on my legs I can’t even wear shorts without feeling the pain of my scabs ...

17 观点 - 1 years ago


That’s what you get fo messing with the static rat 😡🫵
Anyways thanks pyro for not straight up be...

17 观点 - 1 years ago


your just lucky I can’t reach you now, that I’m litterally the size of a caprisun 😭🫵💔

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26 观点 - 1 years ago


I’m so sorry you guys had to see the real me under my human skin 😱💔
I deeply apologize 😔🫵

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22 观点 - 1 years ago