
I remember one day, in the 5th grade-

We were at lunch, and I was just talking to my friends, Winter, Brook, and Izzy. I looked up and saw that a 4th grader was turned around, staring directly at me. I said, "Please don't stare at me, random child" Then I went back to talking with my friends. I looked up again and the cafeteria worker was staring at me while the random child talked to her. I gave them a weird look, then the cafeteria lady went and told the other cafeteria lady what the girl said. The second lady came over to me, slammed her hands on the table, and said "Did you call her a retard?" While pointing back at the little girl. I look at her, disgusted, and say "No!" And she says, "I don't care!! It's not nice to call people those things" She walked away after that, and I gave the girl the death stare. I started crying. cause I'm a fucking weakling. My friends tried to comfort me, then some a kid named Hunter walked over to her and said "You hurt my friends feelings" The girl just stared at him and said something. He ignored it and sat back down. So I was left there, hoping that I wouldn't go to ISS, staring down with my hood up, silently crying.


5 years ago   23 views   1 frames




5 years ago   Reply

I remember i punched a girl in 1st grade and broke her nose. Btw she had classes. Hehe she jist got on me nerves.

5 years ago   Reply
  ❤️ Annie ❤️

That little brat! What tf was her problem?! If I were with you I woulda got in trouble for punching a bitch >:(

5 years ago   Reply

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