Potato Jay (Gone)

Me no like (picture of boredom)

4 years ago   185 浏览量   1 框架   1 喜欢


  Potato Jay (Gone)

Alright so im guessing won't be on for a while, well whatevez I'm off to sleep sooo goodnight cutie, love you like a MFING BUNCH💙💙💙, I missed you and got worried about you ^///^ since you disappeared out of the blue so I hope we could talk anytime soon *kiss*. I'll have a good day at school and I hope your days are better than mine (gosh this is making cry for some reason 😅) anyways bye *Hug* I hope a light guides your way to your problems cause I really don't want nothing bad happening to you. Sorry if this is too long and I'm wasting yoir time by wasting time. I should be asleep by now soooo goodnight, have a good beauty sleep *kisses a thousand times* love you again cutie ;3

4 years ago   回复
  Potato Jay (Gone)

Yeah literally, tumblr and twitter are clusterfucks

4 years ago   回复
  🦇Kimchip 🦇

People on Twitter be wild

4 years ago   回复
  Potato Jay (Gone)

-//////- (it's fine your not awkward anyways, I been through twitter so this ain't nothing)

4 years ago   回复
  🦇Kimchip 🦇

Well ok then if ya say so 😳👉👈 *takes off his pants* nioce 😤👌(I'm so awkward omg srry)

4 years ago   回复

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