Potato Jay (Gone)

The Dark Alternates of Dark Blue (Dark Version of Broken Blue)

Quick Explanation:

In the Shatter Multiverse (Timeline 28) there are various realities but they are limited because of the connected dimension they live in, also the past multiverses that lived before this one were destroyed over and over again, once was by the Overlord (The Creator of the Multiverse) because it was too much evil in almost every single one of them. This multiverse is the only perfect one he has but will later on be destroyed by one of his sons. But a billion Years before any of the present day events, The Demi God known as Zenith (The Original Incarnation of the black death) was killed by his father (The Overlord) for killing his brothers (Xon & Xenity) out of greed of power. So Instead of torturing his soul, he decided to send his soul the home reality and made sure all realities followed so he could see different outcomes, however the dark energy of the Demi God was so strong that it made more realities that had darker outcomes, that's where the "comets" come in to balance out the darkness of all realities from the black comet (All the realities followed this) The Overlord did not want to destroy the dark realities since that would be too easy so he just would let the work play out for itself.

Now lets go

Dark Reality 1: Broken Blue is corrupted by the black death's power because he let the power take control instead of fighting it and dying from it. In this reality, its the complete opposite and the black death turns his sanity, power, and everything else against BB, he later on becomes, Dark Blue.

Dark Reality 2: Same thing from 1st one, except he dies and he is being possessed by the black death.

Dark Reality 3: Broken Blue's reincarnation is a zombie then kills and destroys all of earth.

Dark Reality 6: Broken Blue is forgotten and left to die and no one helps him, he kills himself like he did in the original reality, but his body was used and possessed by the black death. Making even the gods terrified of him.

(That's all I have so far, so me is sowy)

4 years ago   47 views   1 frames   1 Like


  Potato Jay (Gone)

Tanks bud :D

4 years ago   Reply

This is all you have so far?...ITS SO AWSOMEE, AHHHH I LOVE THE STORYYYyy- and...how the hec are you so creative holy moly- :00

4 years ago   Reply

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