
Nick found out... (read desc.)

Nick: “Tom, do you know why I called you in to talk with me?”

Tom: “uhh... because you wanted to check on me?”

Nick: “NO! Because I found out that you have secret affections for me!”

Tom: *face turns bright red* “o-oh...”

Nick: “first off, why’d you keep your affections a secret from me!? I’m your best pal, you can tell me anything!”

Tom: “I... well... I thought you wouldn’t want to be friends anymore...”

Nick: *inhales then exhales* “we’re still friends, man. It’s just, I’m not gay. So we need to figure out how we’re going to make this work.”

Tom: “this conversation is t really going in the right direction for our age...”

Nick: “yeah, you’re kinda’ right...”

Tom: *zones out*

Nick: “uhhh... Tom? You there?”

Tom: *leans in closer to Nick*

Nick: *pushes Tom away* “WOAH THERE, BUSTER!! You ain’t trying to kiss me, are you!?!”

Tom: *face turns even redder* “I-I’ll just sh-show myself out...”

Tom: *walks out of room*

Nick: (this isn’t at all how I wanted this to end...)



4 years ago   83 views   1 frames   1 Like


  𝐑𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐲¡! 🎋✨

Aw, I feel bad for Tom. But he needs to deal with it unfortunately 😔

4 years ago   Reply

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