Potato Jay (Gone)

I drove for my first time in driver's ed (Story Time)

I didn't know I was gonna drive already, I thought I had to wait for a few years....but I guess not.

Anyways Short Story Time

My driving teacher took me out to the parking lot so I drive for a while so I could learn. I was very nervous and sweating through my gloves (The reason we have gloves is so that we don't have to spread germs and junk). Anyways, after we were done with that, he took me to the road and BOY I was a little more nervous. I drove out on the road learning and junk, I was doing pretty good, stayed on my lane and kept my eyes focused on the road and stuff. Since he told me to go...slow...like safely slow, People behind us was passing and honking at us. It endorsed me to go pretty fast (like Russian Fast) but I was taking it slow.

I was getting more and more use to it every second, like a Saiyan getting a little more stronger every second in battle. After a few signs and rides, we go to a parking lot blah blah blah. He said I did "a heck-of-a-good job" for my first time (Yeah I'm from the south side of NA, pretty country and junk, fight me, I love fighting). Anyways, I go back to my mom with a big smile. Also, gotta pay my 30$ fee and go back next thursday :P

3 years ago   24 views   5 frames


  Potato Jay (Gone)

Correction: Southeastern Side of NA

3 years ago   Reply

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