Potato Jay (Gone)

My dream scared me (Weird Dreams with Jay #2)

Okay, ima just start from the beginning that I can remember.

It starts off with me at my grandma house and my dad walks in drunk as he could be. He comes in the living room and lays down on the couch. Then my... friend/crush?? Comes in the living room with her family. I pick my dad up and lay him....somewhere (I forgot). Then for some reason I pick my friend-crush but puts her down.

Then the dream transfers over to my school.
(This is where I somehow get access the dark part of my brain that scares me.)

So I wss walking in the hallway with a friend of mine. The deep ends of the hallway are very dark, like the lights were shut off as if it was night. My friend was wearing a suit and his gf holds his hand and walks to class. (Other stuff happens but I forgot). After a while, I walk upstairs at was very dark up there, I see somebody at the door who killed his friend over something. I go left and walk down the dark hallway. (I tried to stop my dream self from walking down this hallway but I literally felt too weak to do so.)

I walk down the hallway some more and see somebody else who killed someone with blood on the table, there were 10 blood formations and they were formed almost the same but different. I walk down the dark hall some more and reach the dead-end where there was this poster about 10 women dead. I was confused and walk down the stairs that was on the right. When I walk down, I see the restroom and a weird glitch. I look on the left of the hall and see no one but the light was still on in the very far dark end of the hall. I walk up to this glitch for some reason I see animemaker and and random shit?

Then the dream transfers to my house....at night.... It felt like I wasn't dreaming until I look out my window and see 3 dudes with white masks that covers their face and they were wearing hoodies...i kinda get scared and I wait a few seconds then I look out the window again and they were walkimg towards my house. I go to my mom's room to warn her (I was screeching like a BITCH) then cut all the lights off and stuff. Then i guess we die.

Then I wake up NOW... Look out my window with anxiety and see no one is there and was scared for a little while.

The End

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  George V.


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