

The truth of why I joined this app is because of my life story.

When I went to school, I went to Ki-Be in Benton City of Washington.

Pre-k: I had a crush on this one girl that crushed me back, and there was this guy named “Chance that kept cornering us literally at a 30 degree inner angle corner of a fence. After Pre-k, my “date” died of cancer. Now that I think of that, I am a cancer ♋️!

Kindergarten: I actually had friends that listened to me, mostly. My friends’ names were: Kalea, Kyle, Hannah, Nick (Alex), Jaycee, and Brady, a kindergartener that Kalea despised. During Kindergarten, I already knew multiplication, so I’d say that I was the smartest one in class.

Grade 1: I made friends with one of my mom’s friend’s daughters. I also made friends with Julian, Caleb, Jack, Alexander, and had a new crush... This one was crazy, had strict parents, and lived in a very look like wrecked house. I went there probably a couple of times, we rode on the bus together, and I even gave my mom’s phone number to her. She was still in for 2nd grade, but it all was a mystery to me of what happened to her.

Grade 2: I made and lost friendships. Jack had moved, Caleb was too stressed whenever near Alexander and I, and Alexander just found his own friends to meet up with. By that time, I made new friendships, Phoenix, Jaylyn, and also remembered the two people with the same name spelled differently in my 1st grade class. On January 30th, a new student was introduced, named Kris.

Grade 3: Julian moved in the middle of 2nd grade, Jaylyn found different friends, and I met new friends. They were Wyatt, Kris (from 2nd grade), Leon, and Dominic have been introduced to me. Phoenix was still, “Phoenix,” and Leon, Wyatt and I were in high cap math. Then I stopped doing so well in reading. Don’t judge!

Grade 4: I had finally met a new girl that was new to the school, but I couldn’t do anything this time... I was afraid that if my mom had told my dad, he’d be flipping out already! Reading was even harder than before, and I lost friendships with no gain this time. My lost friendships were Leon, he was too into sports. Phoenix, he moved to a different school. And Kris barely cared for me as he yelled at me a lot. I also found out that other people found out about my crush and were disgusted. I also was given a note one day by her friends, and it said “Dear Caden, I found out that you love me and that’s fine. However I have a deep secret, I love you, too. Do you want to be my boyfriend? Just circle whatever answer you want.” The answers were yes and no. However, I didn’t circle any answer. If I hadn’t answered, then they’d have been on the loop of repetitively asking me over and over. I verbally sighed, “Yeah, sure. Fine, whatever,” and they took it as a yes. P.E. has become square dancing, and duos were randomly chosen. I was with my crush, Layla (my cat’s name spelled differently). The odds were 2/24 people in my class, 2 assigned to each duo, and this is when I knew she was faking, but not only that...I WAS FAKING SINCE AFTER HALLOWEEN!!! She didn’t even dance at all as I encouraged her to square dance with me, embarrassingly with almost everyone watching us. I was passed the limit this next school year and nothing went well...

Grade 5: The worst school year in my history! I was assigned homework literally on the 2nd day due the 3rd day! Layla had made new friends that spurred me whenever I was near. I had felt like everything in my life backfired. My life was aching, I even intentionally skipped breakfast sometimes, which explains why I usually got hungry. I had no way of defusing each bomb that came at me. Wyatt now never wanted to do what I wanted to do, and I rarely went to my mom’s friend’s house.
I was verbally bullied by this one kid younger than me that had nothing to do with me, and then another bully that was physical this time! He punches, shoves, and even kicks me in the no no square! He was a friend of my classmate’s, and my classmate did absolutely nothing about it.That was when I officially decided that I wanted to move to Jason Lee, Richland, Washington, only temporarily, and it was worth the move. No bullies, fair rules, and I even got to be with my stepbrother, my closest friend so far. It was officially time that the corona virus ate up about 1/3 out of everyone’s school year. The online schooling was confusing, but I understand it now that I am finally in middle school!

Hope you guys enjoyed that story!

3 years ago   42 views   10 frames   1 Like


  ☭ Jacques likes your cut g☭

Cool! Everyone has cool stories while mine are boring and just me being immature ;-;

3 years ago   Reply

Well, ****it. I forgot to add the hair

3 years ago   Reply


3 years ago   Reply

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