Potato Jay (Gone)

My Funny and sad story

Another story series I just started, because I talked about it in a discord server.

So about 4 or 5 years ago (when I was a minecraft/fnaf mega dweeb)

I had this account named "thedimandminecar" on the ps3. Sooo, remember that update with the minivans about tumble or flying or whatever. Yeah I was giddy up for that update, most of my friends switched to the ps4. I was so impatient of that update that I retardly factory reset my entire ps3. I didn't know what I was doing.

Also keep in mind, this was around the era where Sony wasn't really using a 2-step verification for players. Soooo I had a fake email and password c:

Sooo, after my stupid attempt of trying to get this update, my ps3 gets finished with the reset and I try to log back into my account but realized I forgot my account ans password.

After many many attempts, I broke down crying. I cried to my brother and told him everything, he told me what was my email and password but I didnt know what they were. Soooo there I was, crying for half of the day because my excited and impatient child mind was too excited over a stupid update and reset his life away.

Well, at least I started a new beginning, which was middle school.

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