Potato Jay (Gone)

Embarrassing Story (Stories about me #2l

Sooo about....idk. A few years back.

Like, in between my 1st and 2nd depression crisis phase....or just 4th grade.

The year I would love to forget. I had alot of embarrassing junk in my 4th grade year, sooo I won't be a pussy and just keep it all away and share it to the internet, sooooo prepare ur anus's for cringe.

Soooo, sometime after I had a very sad time with.....someone, I went through another phase about being lonely. Then I ended getting known by alot at the end.

Now you ask yourself, how the hell did this happen.

Well, after all my tears and suicidal thoughts at the age of like 8 or 9, I watched a show called Yu Go Yo Zexal. See where I'm going with this? No? Okay, there is this blue guy that nobody sees except the main character. (Do you still see? NO?!), okay, sooo I thought to myself, why not I just HAVE an imaginary friend. So, my sad soul got excited and I didn't give a shit what people would say about me (still makes me sad typing this out).

Also his name was Jakon btw

So there I was, with an imaginary friend and look, some people noticed this, after a few days, everyone in my class knew I had an imaginary friend....but I didn't really care. I started to make anothee imaginary friend but I forgot his name.

Anyways it took at the end of the school year for me to grow out of that. At least i was popular for having an imaginary friend buuut in middle school, i just got known by people for just being retarded and also known by other people knowing me :P

Also, at some part of that year, we were asked what favorite planet would we like to go when were older present it to the class, then I said I wanted to got to the fuckin sun. Yea i looked real stupid and I'm pretty sure someone shouted dumbass.

Anyways that was my most embarrassing story I have....so far

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