☭ Jacques likes your cut g☭

Tribute for Lola_playz_Gacha (reuploaded without the black dot lmao)

You could call this fanart or gift, but it’s a bit of a tribute.

She was my first; or one of my first follows on AnimeMaker. I’d be thrilled by her positive comments, and she was someone who supported me, whatever I did. And it was like that...


Until I found she left.
So I know school or family problems can happen, but I thought about how she supported me. And it just disappoints me she has to leave... and I can’t find her channel anymore...
I made a similar color palette, with small changes to what she had on her last anime.

I doubt she will see this, but maybe I will post this every year, in tribute of my friend, due to her saying she might come back a few times a year.



4 years ago   36 views   1 frames


  ☭ Jacques likes your cut g☭


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