Potato Jay (Gone)


There are two types of Johns.

The main reality and the 2nd reality

The John from the main reality is a demon and is the chosen one of their species. The reason why his species didn't go extinct unlike black death's and broken blue's species is because the demons were loyal to the gods and helped fight off the anti gods that tried dominated the universe billions of years ago and also did some jobs for the gods. So the chosen one was the king's partner for generations....until the king became a power hungry and abusive mess after the 3rd Dawnless War on Earth. John didn't like the king afterwards and went to earth to get away from the king and met a group of 3 people. Then they became the hero's of earth.


The Demon species went extinct since the gods were more evil than they we're in the Main reality (not the Anti-Gods, just the normal gods. Black Death killed more of the anti gods but also killed most of the other normal gods after getting betrayed). John also died along with his species but just like broken blue, he reincarnated from time to time.


4 years ago   28 views   1 frames   1 Like



“Yay we didn’t go extinct” :D
*Other reality*

4 years ago   Reply
  Potato Jay (Gone)

The however transition was supposed to be:

"However, in Reality 2"

4 years ago   Reply

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