
Ssoooo story time part 1

So remember like almost a month ago my umm bully idk what to call her today i had enough of her so i went to the principle but he wasn't there so i went to someone that would help and i sit there for a bit wait because she was on the phone so she gave me paper and a pen to write down about the person so she can tell the principal i wrote three pages (tbey were like i say 5 by 4 paper anyways) and i wrote down something like name of person and how she has been poking my sides and how she almost pushed my friend off the stairs if i wasn't there and how she popped my fingers in a way by pulling my arm and yes it still hurts and all that stuff i even put down my friends so i have some proof and once i was done she asked my name and when it always happened then once i leave and go in the line for lunch my other friend said that she VAPES on SCHOOL GROUNDS and puts all her smoke in a bag and take it outside and open it so she wouldn't get caught and they have video proof i said "" to be continued

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