😢✨Toxic Kitty✨😢


Well... I heard that if i cut myself i would bleed... If i hang, would i die? There's too many choices and regrets on this world, but would i regret killing myself? The mysteries are always surprising, we will regret. But... I don't think I'll regret dying... I tried something new, and i heard it's called pain. Pain is a weird thing that gives me good feelings.. I heard the pain is bad, so why on earth i feel good with it? We have opinions, and the people don't respect them. It's funny how I think that the pain already appeared to me sometimes..... Well... My question is that if i hang, would i die? I think dying is good? Idk, we have differents opinions... I don't care about myself, only for my friends and family... But i wondered if i would not be caring about my friends and family if i kill myself... I'm not saying I will, but it's good to try to taste new things. It's funny how people think it's funny. It's weird how we take strange things to feel normal and later we regret?? It's funny how people take you as a joke, and not a human with feelings... They can't understand your pain, i can't understand me either... I can't understand no one and not even me... ?!?.... Ah.... Oh.... AHHHHH PROBLEMS AND FAMILY ARE ATTACHING AGAIN!!!!!! Huh? What is this? A rope??? Oh... I can use it to hang myself... Well... Then i won't see more family and friends and problems... It's good.... *Hangs myself* I'm sick of all this life and people, it sucks. That's why I'm doing it... *Dies* happy now? You take me as a joke, as a stupid and this happens. Thanks for making me doing the better for me I'm thankful..


4 years ago   82 浏览量   1 框架   2 喜欢


  ♥ ♡ = 𝕐𝕒𝔹𝕠𝕚𝕚ℕ𝕚𝕪𝕒 = ♡ ♥

JOKE !?!?! Hey , we don’t think of you as a joke !! You’re a friend , a cool dude , a friendly stranger , you’re the chest of gold , man ! Those haters gonna hate ... nuthing u can do bout it . But if u ignore them , it feels good !! U feel like they never troubled u !! If you’re not like that , then try talking to them on how you feel !! Look , I know you’re going through a hard time , and I hope you feel better , but try to ignore them . It will bring life back to normal , like you deserve. Just .... don’t die , Kay ?

4 years ago   回复

What your going through right now is hard, I don't know what it is but that doesn't matter, how your Reacting to it shows that it's hard for you. I can't really help but I can tell you that all the stuff your thinking is really fucking stupid, but listen to me for a minute I did that ki da stuff myself and it didn't help at all whatever you think it's going to do it's not going to do it. But think like this today was hard but tomorrow is another day if you keep wishing for tomorrow to be better then you'll have good and great days and even when days are hard there's good you just have to look at the small things

4 years ago   回复


4 years ago   回复

I'll just say ... I care about you, I don't like to see you sad, but I can't do anything, because I'm useless, I'm sorry again

4 years ago   回复

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