★ N E O S T A R ★ [ Dead A...

Overdrive is adopted because-
I decided to make it that way

BuT the ReaL story is-

Overdrive's real parents took care of him when he was a newborn. After when he is a 5 yro they've abandoned him for a reason.. He didn't know what was happening so he went into the woods. But then he bumped into a camper. The camper asked where was his parents, instead of a answer he stayed silent. The camper took Overdrive to the adoption center. Therefore Electro's mother adopted Overdrive. But Electro hated Overdrive because of his hair color, eye color, and the way how Overdrive acts towards him. Electro's mother tried to get them along but it wouldn't work. Overdrive refused to dye his hair color blue instead of cyan. Overdrive's hair started to grow longer then Electro's, and that makes Electro more aggressive to Overdrive. When Overdrive was 10 years old, he started to take defense classes and combat. After when he was 13 he knew how to fight back now. He regained his confidence and bravery after suffering 5 years of bullying.

And that makes Overdrive he is right now.

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