k-12forever1 💗💜💙

me here in kindergarten once..

so I didn't know what rolling ur eyes wasand I did it but I didn't mean anything of it then the teachertarted yelling at me that brought a random lady from the office to tell at me at the door in the class while I'm there crying my eyes out after that I never rolled my eyes in kindergarten again cause I didn't wanna get in trouble and cry again lol I was a crybaby I still am a crybaby tho.. but I will go to the bathroom or wait to go home then cry my eyes out lol


4 years ago   69 浏览量   1 框架   1 喜欢


  😉⭐️ phoeniixx ⭐️😉

i also remember almost taking my knee cap off by hitting against my christmas tree stand

4 years ago   回复
  k-12forever1 💗💜💙

my brother at his last dacare was draged out of the class by this one teacher and the other teacher quit but before she did she told my mom what the other teacher was doing but we don't know what sewas doing with him when she was alone in the hall with him but I reemberhis twin sis crying once cause she didn't want to go there

4 years ago   回复

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