★ N E O S T A R ★ [ Dead A...

Neo Genocide's Death. (Fallen Anger's Backstory?)

And yes I did confirm that Fallen Anger is Neo Genocide.

Neo Genocide was a Teen (Maybe around 15 - 16 yrs old.) He was a bit violent and a nocturnal person. He was the type of person who would always sleep at daytime. He never was in time at school. He never had friends because of his violence actions towards people. He sometimes heard voices in his head causing him to yell out unnecessary words. His mom tried to calm him down. It wouldn't really work as much. Neo's mother missed his old personality, he was a blue goofy 8 yro kid in the old days. Neo Genocide was sometimes infuriated towards his own family members, that he would threaten them. But he felt guilty and said "I'm...so..." Then silence for the next 2 seconds. "Sorry.." In a soft tone. He would walk away and never talk to them until they make him annoyed, he would try to avoid them. Neo Genocide caused this personality to grow on him. Because of his Father and Cousin's death. They understood him morely then his mom and others. He trusted them a lot with his personal secrets. Instead of reporting his bullies on his mother he would report it to Them. After their death, at around 11 yrs old his personality changed. He wouldn't come out of his room until nighttime. He would barely eat anything, he only ate candy he found in his room inside the Halloween bucket. He wasn't bright as much when he was a happy 8 yro. Things changed in his teenage years. He wore clothes differently. He looked like a gangster. But he's not. He would keep ignoring his mother and other family members. They had suspicious feelings around him as well. He kept coming home with little red stains in his shirt and pants.
They we're worried about what he's doing outside and kept questioning why is there red stains in his clothes. And like he did sometimes to his family members, instead they threatened him. They'd call the police if he doesn't answer. He didn't hesitate and stayed silent. He walked to the door and shut it tightly. He would lock the outside of it to prevent them from opening it. They would hear screaming and shot gun noises after. Neo's mom rushed to call 911 to report the noises. No's sister would attempt to open the door but it didn't opened because it was locked. They kept hearing more screaming and some gun shot noises, the police came and half of them spotted Neo Genocide. 3 of them went to chase him down while 2 of them attempted to break down the boards on the outside door. Neo genocide spotted the police officers and threw down a bloody knife. The police dodged and shoots at Neo. His right hand got injured. Eventually the 3 offices surrounded Neo. He backed up a bit. While the 2 officer mrs break down the board. Neo genocide Jumped in the lake and swam down into the deep levels. The police tried to catch up to him but one of them ended up drowning. Since then Neo Genocide's corpse wasn't found and so as the other 13 he murdered. His family was begging to find his corpse. Just to ask him, "Why....why did he did this."
The police officers tried but couldn't find his corpse..
But one of them spotted pink red-ish eyes. In the deep water levels...

His spirit lingers around the world. He was also a Soul Breaker. Just like Neo Crimson.
Fallen Anger did created a Group named "Soul Breakers" and Neo Crimson is apart of it.
Fallen Anger has Black ink dripping from almost half of his head because he drowned and the Officers confirmed that his face was unsee-able. He also had a halo and wings because of his rejection to a innocent spirit. Instead of a yellow halo and blue wings, he has red-ish pink ones.
His right arm has claws because the one of the officers shot his right hand.


4 years ago   34 views   1 frames


  🍬🍭🍫🍪Sweety kitty candy gurl...

I readied it all about him that's a bummer 😅😅😅😅😢😢😢

4 years ago   Reply

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