Comet / Honeymoon / Tape

a post since i haven’t been active lol

It’s hilarious seeing all the past memories pine and me have been through. Like, i acted so dumb and i actually did think i drew good which is just wow also i was so edgy, i hate it my past self so much but it’s still super funny seeing it all. I was quite selfish you could say? I’m still sad that we lost many friends we made back in 2018 but life is just like that, at least i still have pine! I literally don’t know where i would be in life or who i would be without pine, we’ve almost been friends 3 years which is a lot to me personally. I basically owe them my life haha, i wish we could meet up one day but i’m not sure how long this pandemic will be, sadly. We could meet up and have tons of fun but it be quite awkward possibly, we could meet up with the others that we now speak with and enjoy life together, as i wish that could be soon. Thank you pine and all the others i’ve met in my life that helped me be the person i am today!

3 years ago   52 views   1 frames


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