Dream Boy.

Drawing things from my dreams

This dream started in a forest, A very dark one, It was not dark but the colors made it seem like it, The only bright object there was Mike. Mike had promised me a good life, One not with so much agony. A life that even many gods themselves could not reach as long as I sewed him back together. I had always wanted something like this, The trauma, The horrible parenting, I always wanted it. So I started looking around, The trees would move, Twirl and glare at me. It was pretty confusing, But once I had got to the seeing kit everything went dark, And I could feel a sickness in my stomach. Everything was gone except for me and one tree. This tree looked at me, It had bad vibes all over it, So for once in my dream I had tried to run. It only resulted in me getting impaled by the tree. And what was strange was I didn't wake up after that, But instead I was just sent to a room of trees looking at me, I stayed there until the dream ended.

3 years ago   9 views   1 frames


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