Mimz ☆

I need to spill out something about me (ignore this lol)

It's so crazy how I didn't have any self-confidence AT ALL when I was in middleschool... I was a freaking doormat !
See, I was bullied for 2 years in a very special way : I needed to regularly go cry in the toilets and during that time, various groups of girls would come and annoy me (banging on the door, calling me names, mocking my hypersensitivity...). And for some reason, that FREAKED THE FUCK OUT OF ME. By taking advantage of my weakness, they would cause me SO MUCH pressure that I was completely unable to stand out for myself (especially when I was already crying at these moments...).
And god damn it, do I have huge regrets of that. I would let them fucking destroy the tiny rest of my self-confidence !!
Why couldn't I just dry out my tears and then confront them !?
During my whole middleschool I had a friend who looked pretty intimidating to everyone and he could defend himself without any problem, so even though he was toxic I stayed with him because middleschool would've been really dangerous if I were on my own.
Now that I am in highschool, my self-defense has really increased because I FINALLY realised I could just ignore their bullshit.
But sadly there's still a boy who talks shit about me to his friends... but now, I know how to react.
I wanna fix my mistakes...


3 years ago   52 views   1 frames   2 Like



Oof dont worry if u have a big trouble were here to help ya
U not alone af

3 years ago   Reply
  GhostCat :3

I'm so sorry that happened to you, you did nothing wrong those people are just the lowly scum of the world, I would ignore them, they just want attention and to annoy you but I've found that if you just act like you don't give a crap and don't care it just annoys them

3 years ago   Reply

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