The chicken nugget pool (BBQ SAUCE 🍖)
Oooo chicken 🍗
This is made for GMC (guy makes comics,idk if he’s still online here,but this is also made for everybody else to see too 😊) Who do you think should go next 🤔 🧐 🍗
You may ask the chicken scientists.
😊 🍗 Hello,I am chicken scientist 1. I think the 2nd one should go. It’s a bit crusty,around it. They may have all the same texture, but I still see some particles . I’ll put my magic glasses piece thingy on. 🧐 🍗 It should be more easy to see the particles. Oh,yes. I do see some particles. While I go see this,you should ask Chicken scientist 2. *Boom boom boom* 🚪 *CREEEEK* 🧐 Hi there,so I heard,you want me to say what chicken nugget should go next? Oh,I also agree with my friend,Chicken scientist 1. You:”Thanks!” Scientist 2:Anytime!!! You should get going now. 😃
3 years ago 39 浏览量 2 框架用iOS/Android应用程序绘制你的原创动漫