
Fucking. Tw sui mention.


This isn't fair. I can't close my door, I can't even use my fucking nail clippers because "you're gonna hurt yourself" THEY ARE NAIL CLIPPERS. I HAVE TO ASK TO USE SCISSORS AND KNIVES AND I BET, WHEN I HAVE TO USE A KNIFE AT THE TABLE MY SHIT IS GONNA BE PRE CUT. I am not a fucking child. I AM NOT A FUCKING 7 YEAR OLD. I can't lock the bathroom door anymore. THEY TOOK AWAY MY BL4DES. THE TOOK AWAY THE BELT. OH NO AN I GONNA??? FUCKING??? SHOVE MY CACTUS DOWN MY THROAT? let me CLOSE MY DOOR.

I wish I went through with it. I was so close. Ny throat was burning, my entire body went numb I couldn't hear anything. All my senses were gone. I was so fucking close to GET OUT OF THIS FUCKING HELL HOLE AND THANKS TO MY FRIEND I GOT CAUGHT AND TREATED LIKE A 7 YEAR OLD. Next time I have the chance I am going to be successful. I feel pathetic. I have marks on my neck from trying to strangle myself. And I didn't even die. I hate myself. I can't even kill myself properly.


3 years ago   191 views   1 frames




Thank you. I understand that my dad is doing what he is out of care and worry, as he tried when he was younger aswell and has lost tons of people to sui, but he needs to realized I am a fully grown 14 year old. And yes, I am allowed to close the door to change. Sadly, I do not have a therapist yet but I do have a phone call appointment on the 24th, I am hoping it will get me therapy, thank you for caring so much though. It means a lot knowing that you are worried about me /g

3 years ago   Reply


CRAFT SCISOSR???? bro,, u are so strong for goung thru all this. and im rlly sorry theyre not understanding. ur door too?? (ur able to atleast close it to change right i hope??) im so sorry i genuinely dont know what to do. ur therapist is atleast good nd listening to you?? <:-d WOW u explained to them why u did it? holy shit bro im,, like genuinely ur brave as hell im super proud of you
i hope somethingll click in their heads so theyll understand but for now srs just wish you best luck with everything going on

3 years ago   Reply (1)


They are doing it out of love -- but my dad's side of the family babies me and likes to assume things when I go through something traumatizing.

They doctors apperently gave them things to do to "keep me safe" but my dad has never treated this way in my life ever and I just feel like a child. He knows that I am mature enough, like I am not even allowed to keep my door open a crack it needs to be open ALL THE WAY. I asked if I could use scissors to open milk when I got home last night cuz I wanted fettuccine Alfredo and my dad gave me. 😕 CRAFT SCISSORS.

Apperently I am on "s//cide watch" ?!??! I LITERALLY explained to them WHY I DID IT. And they still don't understand.

3 years ago   Reply (1)

thats really frustrating and im so sorry you're experiencing this and didnt even get treatment??!?? >: If you are able to calm down, my best advice to try and get them to atleast treat you like ur mature is to, if you feel you can, explain as politely as you can, that them helicoptering you every second isnt going to better anything you're experiencing. and if they counter with something like "we're doing this to keep you safe", if you feel comfortable with it, maybe try to explain your triggers (you dont have to at all ik its so hard explaining things). id hope they're doing this all out of their love for you, so if they are, try and keep that in mind when confronting them, and if they arent, idk best luck dude.

3 years ago   Reply (1)

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