I wanna talk about the Croaket_ and Mafu situations that are on tiktok
@Croaket_ situation
First off, if you participated in the "trend" get off. You guys bullied a minor off the app for having a "flaw" in their artstyle. You do realize they are probably like what. 14, 15?? They aren't a prodigy.
You guys justifying it saying "they are r4cist and homophobic!" No, they used to be in the dreamSMP fandom. Key words; USED TO. Literally so many people left and right got into the DSMP and y'all aren't making fun of their art 😐 ohh, you think this person's art is had, so you HAVE to make up rumors of the being r4cist and homophobic and that they support the KKK!!! /sarcasm just because someone liked DSMP in the past doesn't give you the right to send them death threats.
Y'all are bullies. And to the people who supported them all through this, good for you (/g).
Mafu situation
For context, Mafu is a CP and CSA survivor, who happens to be a proship minor. They use problematic ships as a way to keep them distracted because he knows that talking to adults the way he was, was harmful to himself. So he decided to cope with dark fiction, and it was working! He stopped talking to adults for a while (Sadly Mafu relapsed recently). When he was 3 there was CP taken of him. Also another thing, he is a dollkin. That will be useful later.
People found Mafu's account and started harassing him because he is publicly proship. He explain his story, and why he was and identified as proship, and then people kept saying "I saw ur cp!" "I shared it!" Etc. This was causing Mafu to panic, as a mentally disturbed child, he responded to those comments obviously trying to scare him. It kept going and kept going and people thought it was okay because he is proship. Being proship isn't about harassing minors and sharing their CP. People sent r4pe threats, death threats, purposely induced paranoia, etc. I may not agree with Mafu being proship, but he does not deserve ANY OF THIS. If you participated in his harassment, or agree with what these antis are saying and doing to him, stay away from me.
Mafu deserves help, not trauma.
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