
I wanna talk about the Croaket_ and Mafu situations that are on tiktok

Bruh with the croaket_ situation…
Its fucking disgusting what people are doing to this CHILD. They have said the eyes are a stylistic choice and that they dont really want critique on it….how the fuck does that make them racist? Or homophobic? Maybe dsmp fans aren't the best but like— as far as i know none of the people in the dsmp have been confirmed as problematic in that way. And even if they where…CROAKET USED TO BE INTO IT. THEY AREN'T ANYMORE???!!!?!
Have you fucking seen that “proof” screenshot? God its fucking disgusting. They drew the eyes a little higher than most do…thats it..




Well people in DSMP are problematic, such as dream, schlatt, uhh I think either skeppy or bad?

3 years ago   回复 (1)

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