
Pick-A-Spot Update! ( `_ゝ´)

I can’t open the file (∗ᵕ̴᷄◡ᵕ̴᷅∗)՞

In all seriousness, this usually happens to my files after the colors glitch. I assume it’s due to too much detail or the bucket tool is glitchy and it messes up the file. I still have it in my anime tab, but until Kenmaz or someone else fixes the glitch and lag, I won’t be able to access it or continue to work on it.

My app just crashes when I try to open it and it won’t even show up in the frame before it crashes. I hope you all understand and I’ll be sure to have more events with less… Stress in the future ( `_ゝ´)


3 years ago   960 views   1 frames   33 Like


  Living Fossil Studios™️ (ro...

Never thought i could rlate until now.

Just finished the PAS, so i added in a few extra frames. Now i can’t open the file without it glitching me out of AM.

2 years ago   Reply

This was a problem for me too, I fixed it by
Exporting my anime files (look around in 3dots settings for it) and deleting all drawings other than the ones your working on. It will be MUCH better. Sadly if you want to draw on older drawings you need to export your current drawings and import the old ones. A bit of a pain but much less of a pain then lag.

I should note I'm on android, so I may or may not work on ios.

For paintbucket zoom all the way in to the middle of where you want to fill and click in the middle, the closer you are to something the more likely it will bug out

By color glitches do you mean the color tab shifting from where it should be? If that's the case the activation area is still the same, it's just visual so click where the colors would be without the shifting.

One final thing for lag, go into app settings on your device and clear cache, the app uses way to much and it causes lag. DO NOT CLEAR DATA

Let me know if it fixes it.

3 years ago   Reply


The glitch messes up colors and the lag just means it's slow.

3 years ago   Reply


3 years ago   Reply (1)

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