Luna alt

Exposing @new hip tumblr sexyman (it/he)! ( desc by @Sam )

I have been friends with Liz for about a year now, but recently had to end it. A lot has happened and it's very hard to like... comprehend right now...
I don't normally expose people like this... there's way more that Liz does, but couldn't add it in here

I wanna begin with him being ra<|$t, Quinn actually asked him if he has said the N-word and he has admitted to it. In our server from discord he would actually seem REALLY against ra****m and he would like seem really disgusted by it. When i found out I snapped on him and he ended up turning the tables on us and saying WE were the antiblack ones, when we don't comment stuff like that because it's very disrespectful and disgusting. If we ever did we would've noticed SINCE there was about 4-5 of us in the servers.

Him admitting to saying the N-word:

Him turning the tables:

The next thing I wanna bring up is him breaking up with Fuji/Hinata (calling them Fuji). I wanna first bring up the fact that Fuji has actually wasted money on Liz and HAS bought him nitro for Discord, the one he is using rn is bought from Fuji. He has also has made Fuji distress into anxiety attacks and full on breakdowns, and he would leave Fuji on seen or alone for hours on end even if he's online. Which would make Fuji feel sad and worthless :(... Fuji would at times come to me and Luna and just vent to us in Instagram groupchats or discord (I won't show screenshots since they're private). Recently today tho he broke up with them out of no where, and according to Quinn he has been planning it for sometime now. The thing is he didn say the reason as to why he did it and all he would say is "I can't" and "you don't understand me." We don't know if he told Fuji since they couldn't tell us and are currently offline. Fuji admired Liz in every way even if he hurt them multiple times. He even commented on one of his exs posts while they were together and ended up making it seen like we were in the wrong for comforting him about it.

Fuji spending money on him:

Breakup + distressing Fuji for not telling them the reason:





Him making Luna seem bad even tho he commented on his exs post while he was with Fuji:



Him leaving Fuji alone and not responding for hours on end even if he was online:

I don't normally expose people like this, but he hurt Fuji a lot and I will not let that pass. Liz, if you're seeing this... just know that I hope you get what hou deserve and you really aren't the person you like to make yourself to be.
Edit: the fact he blocked all of us when this happened he didnt even let hinata continue on what theyre saying..
Please share this guys!! liz is a bad person.
Edit 2: if you support Quinn dni quinn forgave a racist. Mews is friends with liz.


2 years ago   119 views   1 frames   1 Like




Please do send love and support to Hinata/fuji

2 years ago   Reply

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