^¿¡ UnderBean !?^ \ leader ...

Story timeeee!

Your pov.








Im walking with a little headache, walking down the street I hear rattling in the bushes. I walk over, ' what the hell is that? I hope it's not a bear- thing- '  I cruch down to see a glitchy-... SKELETON? Wha? ' is it alive? What do i do? Uh....a stick....Maybe I should poke it...?..... ' I grab the stick, I then poke the skeleton well it's breathing And glitching, maybe I should bring it- no- thay home...yea mom and dad won't care.....right? I sigh then pick the skeleton up, ' THIS DOESN'T LOOK SUSPICIOUS AT ALL, I need to get home. ' I walked home Luckily nobody saw me, I walk inside then walk upstairs. I opened my door


I Cringe I set them in my bed, there hurt? Ooh....there lag.. oh God ' HOW THE FUCK DID THEY DO THAT? ' I reach for my Drawer and open it I take out a bandage And start wrapping up their leg ' what happened to you? ' I sigh and Kept wrapping their leg their leg was badly damaged I wrapped it up and made sure to keep everything stable, I put the bandages on my bed side table.

 ' OHH I SHOULD GET THEM SOME WATER, '  I run out of my room and down the steps i pass the dining room to the kitchen sink I grab a cup from the dishwasher then turn the tap on i fill the cup up I turn off the tap I walked pass the dining room again. Up the stars, in my room, I set the drink down on my bed side table Next to the Bandages, then go to my gaming chair i sigh and look at them I started to drift.....

....T H I N G S  G O  B L A C K....

two hours later./ time skipey

I wake up to myself falling off the chair with a thud " OOOOOOWWWWWwwwwwwww...." 

♡~  errors pov  ~♡

" OOOOOOWWWWWwwwwwwww...."...what? The Fuck? I rub my eyes sockets |( wha? How you know what nvm. )  I Stare at my Surroundings " were am i? And  how-WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU‽‽‽‽ " I screeched As the weird entity looked up at me " oh, your..awake- this is embarrassing, Naturally I don't fall out of my fucking chair like this but you know what my......weird ass logic has decided to die today. " The entity ends with annoyed sigh " You should drink the water I gave you I'll help you. " The entity stands up as The entity walks over to me I backup to the Corner i Look down and my leg was badly injured but rapped.....I looked to the bedside table where she was keeping the water and ........some bandages....? She- I think it's a she- she bandaged my injury.. FŮŮŰÙ<SKFJRJVJR...error.exe has crashed...please wait while we reboot. 

♡~ Your pov ~♡

" oh! Erhehehah..! " I giggled wow i grab the water, sighing I climb next to the skeleton, then sit wait. Glitching...' OH! I can can you Glitchy, i know you can hear me but still. ' I wait happily..."ughh what H-happened..? " the glitchy skeleton grabbed his skul " oh....you...crashed?..i guess...? " " he jumped back " BAČĶ!! " He yells " woha! I'm not gonna hurt you! Just take this, DAMN! " I give him the cup he hesitates..then grabs the cup I smile. " are you hungry ? " He nods " okey, I will be back! " I get off the bed then go out my bedroom leaving him behind me.


That was weird..i sip the drink I look at the window I throw the cup at the window shattering it I know it would make a lot of noise but I'd be able to escape, i crawl over to the window and go through I grabbed a tree branch that was nearest and proceeded to swing myself Branch to branch to branch As I got to a big branch in the tree Realized I was stuck. Will fuck,


 I grabbed the batter as the skillet was preheating I hear a crash I immediately unplugged the skillet, Set the batter down and run upstairs. ' WHAT IS GOING ON?! ' As I ran to my room then I saw it. ' THE BITCH BROKE THROUGH MY FUCKING WINDOW! WHY?!?! ' I ran downstairs, Out the back door,  He was stuck on a tree branch " THE FUCK ARE YOu Doing up there ? " " Well I was kind o^ in a m+=dset to get 0ut And br0,^# your wi^d0w Th+/king th÷[ was a g0od idea. " " Do you need help getting down? "  The glitchy skeleton thinks for a second then mutters "......yea... " I sigh as I go to the garage Luckily there was a door attached to the garage I opened it and walked through I see the ladder immediately I tried to fold it up failing constantly finally I get it Walking back with the ladder I placed The latter onto the tree that glitchy stuck on.  " How am I supposed to get down? Idiot. " He mutters The last part " I carried you... so I can do it again! " I start calling the letter of he stared scholitching intensely " WAIT WAHHHHHHHHHH¿¿¿¿¿  Error.exe.has crashed Please wait while we reboot. " I pick him up bridal style again I go down the ladder safely and slowly I bring him into the house and lay him on the couch checking his wounds, Everything seemed fine so I went back out grabbed ladder put it back in the garage when back to check on him he was still there He was done rebooting I could tell because his eyes and his glitching seemed it's glitching seemed to stop being weird. " Well I see your back. I was your exciting adventure? " " Don't ever t0uch me again, I have Haphephobia. " Glitchy says sternly " Oh geez... I'm sorry I didn't know you had Haphephobia! "  " It's fi?e I g<>ss you d!dn't kn0w. " I sigh as remembering the pancakes " k your food will be ready soon I guess? And when this time don't go out the door don't leave the house we have an injured leg! " I lecture the black skeleton as he sighed in annoyance

  this was part one everyone,

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