Thunderbuzz Official!~

"Let's do a Krill Scavenger Hunt." Σ(゚Д゚;) Part 1!

The story(This is canon! It isn't real)
So this day friends are randomly taking me to Golden Wasteland for a candle run. After the friends went to First Krill Area, we flew to meet and play a scavenger hunt on a krill. The eyes turned red, after flashing we hid behind a rock. The friends are called Muzzu, Igor and Xiang. Xiang tried to give the courage of the braveness, but she instead used it for Igor and myself. I had a Yorkie named Curly, and she is a cute dog I am holding on my SkyPack. Curly barked timidly, as Igor flew with the krill, relieving the Wide-Legged Stance memory. After we unlock the stance, the spirit gracefully ride on a krill with wide legs to not fall off. We slid to the Boneyard, and 4 krill decided to spot us so we hid. Igor escaped and, with the stealthy courage, he didn:'t get hurt and shoo'ed the krill away. I picked up my Sky phone and installed Thumb Box, and won 100 candles while playing a game. Igor stared at me. "Let's candle run." I intensely holded his hand as he sprinted through the wet, muddy sands. Curly noticed a blue, gleaming ball of light. With his candle, he rushed through the mysterious 'spirit' and he guessed it's Pleaful Parent. With Igor and Myself's attention, we relieved the memory. Xiang showed up and told me: "Pleaful Parent.. This memory is kinda hard." Igor used Indentifinite Krill Repellent spell, while Xiang and I tiptoed across the wet sand. We relieved the 3rd memory. Curly bit a Krill's leg, while the krill charged at Curly. After the krill hit Curly, Igor dashed to save Curly from death. With his Krill Repellent, the krill flew away, never to be seen. We reached the battlefield. I was playing 'Minecraft' on Thumb Box. I instantly got 600 candles and purchased the Scolding Student mask and the Founders Cape. There is a large pipe. We got in. -Part 2 is later-

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