I just finished the owl house
Oml I'm so fucking sad for what happened and surprisingly I broke into tears
I've never been this emotionally connected with a show before
Oh god I need help 🥲😭
Oh nice- I finished it like a few weeks ago and I cried sm- then my sister wanted to watch the last episode with me so I cried again- lol-
kris kreates krap.
Lol I would do that with either a voice actor from bendy or William afton from fnaf
✨The weird artist ✨️
I can put a whole paragraph about who gaster is and other things lmao
I honestly love going into game lore It's a whole I go down through for a whole week or 2 just obsessing over it lmao
there's so much lore too-
like gaster, his followers, who is Chara, etc.
I'll stop rambling on :>
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