
How fucked up is this

So. As you all know my ex best friend rice and beans or what ever there name is i dont care. We had a very toxic and manipulative relation ship. BUT it was that way because they made it that way. Now the other day they tried to blame it on me by calling me toxic and saying that i had issues when it was the other way around.First off lily leo what ever the fuck your name is i did fix my problems. I got rid of you. You were my problem. Second you would thretan our relation ship with every thing and tried to tell me if i was a good person or not. Third you would smack me for everything i did that you thought was wrong when it wasnt and i should have beat your ass for it but no i didnt because i thought you were right and every one else was wrong including my parents. You also insulted my dad to my face over text and blamed it on a bad day when the day had just barley started. Im not no dumbass i know that school did not start untill 8 so you hadnt been awake long you knew what you were doing was wrong and you didnt care. Fith you at the start of the month were screaming at me that you were non bianary and at the end of that same month you told me to tell my parents that you werent non binanary and when i asked if you were or wernt you avoided my question.So there for A real friend doesnt threaten the friendship. A real friend doesnt hit the other and a REAL REAL friend doesnt insult the others dad. The ONLY person i should be appologizing to is bekah and that night i showed up on your door step crying was BECAUSE I WAS SCARED TO SEE YOU!! I am perfectly fine i dont know about you tho. now please do not contact me for the next couple of weeks i will be busy hunting and have no service


2 years ago   80 views   1 frames



Why do you care when you havent even talked to him in months???? AND i thought you said you were blocking me but apparently you dont want to

2 years ago   Reply


Its "Do you?" With a question mark.
And capitalize Daniel's name.

2 years ago   Reply


Im fucking done with all of you and i never wanted to talk about this in the first place so i gladly will quit. Why do you think i never responded after you called me fucking toxic. ALSO quit hitting on daniel i know you do. Hes told me and it pisses me off because hes my best friend and if you really did care about him you wouldnt do that shit. You did it to me and you tried to tell me if i was a good person LILY that is not ok to try and tell someone if there a good person. And the reason i did that killling my slef and shit was because i thought i had no other ways. I wasnt in a good place but whats even worse is daniel hardly talks to you because of the things you say to him. Im asking politly for you to stop before he tells you himself. I worry about him ALOT i know you wont see this but i dont care youve contacted me 3 times the only reason ive been responding is because im telling you to leave me alone but you dont give a flying fuck. Do you

2 years ago   Reply

And if you really want to apologize to bekah then why didn't you when she emailed you in good will hoping to have a conversation with you? All you did was yell at her and say how you were hurting. You didn't apologize once for what you put us through. I ALWAYS encouraged you to spend time with your parents and even contacted your mother after you were treating to kill yourself. I did not make our relationship toxic. I never threatened to kill myself. I never threaten to put a gun up to your head. My father never cussed you out and called you a devil worshiper. I didnt make 3 paragraph long posts about how much of a terrible person you were. But you did. And I NEVER threatened to end our relationship. Aftet this message im blocking you because I am done putting up with this. Your just stressing yourself out with all this hate towards me. I've talked to bekah about this situation and she's done talking to you too. So please don't contact me, bekah, or Cody ever again.

2 years ago   Reply (2)

I know I'm not in the wrong and I don't have to explain that to you. I'm not wasting any more of my time trying to resolve things with you when you won't do anything but scream and cuss me out. If you really were a good friend, you would try to understand my point of view and your not. Stop lying saying that you were scared to see me like I forced you to go to my house. I called you and asked if you wanted to come over, and the second you opened the door, you hugged me. Stop twisting the truth so it makes you look like the good guy.

2 years ago   Reply

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