If you commented on the post I made before hand your not the reason at all!
You supported me and I'm so happy you did really it makes me feel better honest!
But this is about someone that I'm afraid to hurt on here and I know they will never let us be the same
And I know it never will be and I know just by being here I make it worse for them I'm just dragging them
Down with me and, I'm going to be extremely suiciedal during this time so I don't want anyone to worry about me! So that's another reason why I'm leavening, I also know that all of there friends think I'm gross and weird
For being so close to them, and I get it I am gross and weird I'm annoying and clingy
So that's another reason and I just want them to be happy, so that means I'll be gone and hope
They will be better cause I know they will, without me they will be healthier and I know I way them down
And I worry them a lot, even though I should, but even so it I still my fault and all of it is, I've ignored
This feeling of dread for to long and I need to cut myself out of there picture cause I know they will like that
Better than me sticking around cause I'm a bother to them, but thank you so so so much to the people
Who bothered with my stupid ass thank you to those who I have loved and even the ones I lost, thank you
Even if you hate me and even if I hate you atleast you took the time to think of me, thank you
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