
The sever gems of healing - episode 10: Ruby or not?

Spesia - Hey i've already heard about this one!
Leafy - Me too! It's pretty famous and beautiful!
Flary - Here says that the ruby is associated to heat and to passion and was considered valuable by maintaining the health of the body and the soul. This gem is pretty known for bringing happiness, not only fidelity too...
Spesia - We'll go now?
Flary - Nah, tomorrow we go.
Leafy - Right...

Tomorrow at 9:20 AM...

Spesia - Hey Leafy are you ready?
Flary - Hey! We need to do rock, paper, scissors!
Spesia - But we already did this! And you need to stay!
Flary - Nooo, every time we go, 1 need to stay!
Spesia - Oh, so you will go, but me or Leafy will stay.
Leafy - Ohh I want to stay...
Flary - Why? This will be so cool!
Spesia - Said the guy that don't was with us and don't know what we passed...
Flary - That can't be so bad, right?
Leafy - No, I almost got freezed, luckily Spesia was there...
Flary - Woah... I hate cold since I'm a fire guy...
Spesia - Ok, rock paper scissors with you, Leafy! To see who will stay with Aly.
Leafy - Ok!
Spesia and Leafy - Rock, paper, scissors!

Spesia lost and need to go with Flary.

Spesia - Aw man...!
Leafy - Yes! Bad to you, Spesia...
Spesia - You just mocked at me?
Leafy - No, I really lament!
Flary - Ok Spesia, let's go!
Spesia - Wait! We need take some things!
Flary - Oh that's right...

Spesia and Flary took a good amount of food, and a lot of water. The lanterns, pickaxes and the shovel was already there.

Spesia - Ok, where will we find a ruby?
Flary - Uhh Spesia...
Spesia - What?
Flary - Depending on the ruby, it can be rarer than a diamond...
Flary - As I can see here it's... US$28.000?? THAT'S RIDICULOUS!
Spesia - Oh no... Don't have another way to heal Aly?
Flary - No I guess...
Spesia - Oh no WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO!
Flary - I DON'T KNO-
Leafy - Guys!
Flary and Spesia - WHAT???
Leafy - I found a ruby by US$50! A lot cheaper!
Spesia - No that's probably a scammer selling a fake ruby.
Flary - I have this amount! But this is certainly a scam.
Leafy - We can try it!
Spesia - Leafy, it's dange-
Flary - Hey, Spesia, we can try...
Spesia - But... How many money do you have?
Flary - As I remember, US$238
Spesia - Hmmm...
Leafy - Added! It will arrive at 2:30 PM!
Spesia - LEAFY DID YOU JUST- Bruh...
Leafy - We need to make a fast decision!
Flary - Yea...!

Again tomorrow when the ruby arrived...

Leafy - Huh? Who's in the door?
Flary - Let me see...

Flary open the door

Deliveryman - Hello! A ruby have been bought here. What's your name?
Flary - It's Flary
Deliveryman - Let me see... To Flary. It's yours.
Flary - Thanks!

The deliveryman leaves.

Spesia - What was it?
Flary - The ruby arrived!
Leafy - Yay!

They open the box, and there is a really beautiful ruby.

Spesia - Hey it's so beautiful!
Leafy - I want it! It's so handsome!
Flary - Yeah i wanted too, but the ruby is for healing Aly.
Spesia - I can feel it, the heat and the happiness you said!
Flary - Let me see...
Leafy - Me too!
Flary - Yes i can really feel it, it's a real ruby!
Leafy - Yay! Didn't i said?
Spesia - Yes, but that could be a scam...
Flary - But why the seller selled it by a so cheap price?
Spesia - I don't know, maybe it's because the amount of carats...
Flary - The name of the seller is Swep
Leafy - Cool name! Wait what?
Spesia - What's wrong?
Leafy - Nothing! Nothing!
Flary - Ok so
Spesia - I'll put it with the malachite
Leafy - The malachite is on the shelves on my room.
Spesia - Ok

Spesia puts the ruby together with the malachite.

Leafy- Ok so what stone now?
Flary - It's the sapphire
Spesia - Oh no ANOTHER SUPER RARE???
Leafy- Let's buy it-
Spesia - No we can't, it's not common see such rare gems by 50 dollars...
Leafy - Oh no WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO!!!

2 years ago   40 views   1 frames   1 Like


  Woodybrooks79 (ALT)

Holy jesus

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