
Once I do fanarts

I'm going to either be permanently off or temporarily. This time I will show myself discipline and stop trying to satisfy others on here. I barely talk to my friends because of this anyway so I'll stop real soon.


2 years ago   17 浏览量   1 框架   2 喜欢



Ok that's fine! It's better to focus on your life than what's going on online! Tbh this app is pretty chaotic and I've wanted to quit many times but yea- you should focus on your irl friends and such! That's wayyyy more important than being on here all the time.

2 years ago   回复


Lmao, I could've been the first comment, but you said the perfect thing without writing the Bible, my congratulations ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

2 years ago   回复

Do whatever you need, your art is very cool, there's no deny for that, but you should do this as something that YOU LIKE, and if it starting to be some kind of a "trouble-maker", it's fine you say it's time to stop. If in some moment you wanna come back, perfect, and if not, also well, but stay sure about you're fine before putting body and soul for the others (I'm not talking about the friends you say). This comes from someone who has lived that

2 years ago   回复

Focus on your life, take breaks, it's ok, we'll miss you but you need to focus on you

2 years ago   回复 (1)

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