
How is us talking about her passing away drama?

We’re just checking in on one another making sure we all understand one thing also
Even if she didn’t wouldn’t there be like news on it sense spider bite related deaths are pretty rare?
But anyways ima go fangirl over Roman cause I still a hoe lol

1 years ago   13 浏览量   1 框架   1 喜欢


  ˢ ⁱ mp☆


Okay well I’m stressed but alright if you need some times then yes. I’m fine if you don’t and you’d rather pick Roman and that’s chill. Also
Butterflies thinking abt you <3

1 years ago   回复

ˢ ⁱ mp☆

I love you a lot to and titles are hella confusing
And the same goes for me I don’t even know what Roman looks like and I’m still a simp, and really if you want a relationship with me it might take a hot moment cause again # Mentally I’ll
My parents could give less than a fuck about what happens to me really but I’m happy yours do, you also give me butterflies whenever we talk so who knows where this funky road will go

1 years ago   回复 (1)
  ˢ ⁱ mp☆


Oh no I like men. I also like you. Like a lot
It’s just very scary for me that my parents think I place so much trust into someone online and then they’ll take my phone and I can’t comfort you anymore. It also make me feel werid with titles. I keep thinking maybe we could talk about and not have titles . They make me uncomfortable and uh I don’t know you irl you so also Makes me a bit anxious
I still rlly like you for your humor and personality

1 years ago   回复 (1)

ˢ ⁱ mp☆

You I’m pretty sure cause didn’t you say you didn’t like men as much as you thought?
I’m really sorry if I dreamed the conversation

1 years ago   回复 (1)
  ˢ ⁱ mp☆


Who? Who’s the girl :D

1 years ago   回复 (1)

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