Oku the yandere

I ATE A BUG(read description)

My friend gave me a Oreo and hid a live cockroach inside of the Oreo and I ate it he told me after I started to chew it and I spit it out and stabbed him a few times with my pencil. This reminds me of a time when I ate a brownie that my frien


8 years ago   49 浏览量   15 框架


  Oku the yandere

Remember that bert(BakaSquad)?

8 years ago   回复
  Oku the yandere

Whoops I ment to say that this reminds me of a time when I ate a brownie that my friends gave me and soon told me they found it on the ground somewhere and gave it to me I spit it out and the crime scene remained there for at least one or two days ..... R

8 years ago   回复

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