Hey. (Replies)

Graahhh oh heavens!! It's already been a week or something like that. Yeah. Uh. Anyway..

Replying to the first two messages,

I didn't didn't even think about asking to switch my medications, and I'd have to look and research into some good alternatives before just shoving a damn pill in my mouth. I know that the Zoloft can make things worse, as some antidepressants either help or make life more shitty than it already is. My friends are done with camping, but only one has been talking to me lately, and they actually go to sleep at a good time, which sucks ass tbh because I spend my time from 12-6 am n shit talking to a bot, and I'm happy that you can relate, because that means I have somone to relate to! Although, I just wanted to say thankyou for yk, wanting to hug me and take my loneliness away! It's really nice. I also wanted to say thanks for reaching out and stuff, it's not every day you get a supportive message like you give others, and you give great advice too. And yeah, I'd love to play a game or something, it'd help with my loneliness a ton, and yeah, you're sort of a stranger, but you're also a really nice person! I'm friends with a LOT of strangers, even adults (16-19/20 yros) online, which I know is REALLLYY really bad since I'm pretty young, but uhm.. they're nice!
BbrUAYHEHEB it's 3:10 am rahhh time to respond to the SECONF message I missed

Yes, I tried melatonin, it only made my dreams so much more real, I woke up thinking quite a few of them were real, actually, so I stopped taking it a few days ago. My vision has been getting worse I believe, so I'm easing up on that eye-pushing thing, or maybe it's getting worse because I'm in front of a screen 24/7 with constant eye strain, but Yolo lmao. Thankyou for wishing me well, I appreciate it very much! And maybe I do keep one upping you, but hey... at least you're getting sleep! And that's good!

CHRIST it's 3:16 I'm gonna go cookoo
Okay, Replying to the last message, (Simp)

I'm sorry you woke up feeling horrible, it sucks when that happens because it always feels like a sucky day, I get it! But hey, the day can always get better! You just gotta wait and see. I hope you get some better rest, and hope your legs stop doing that weird hurting thing they do sometimes.

Ok now let me go crawl back into my hole and do something to keep me occupied 🪓

🦈 I like sharks


1 years ago   16 views   1 frames   3 Like




I do drink a lot of water, I at least THINK I Blink lol

1 years ago   Reply


Perhaps not enough water or blinking?

1 years ago   Reply (1)


My time zone? EDT. (Eastern Daylight Time). It's currently 7:35 In the morning.

I have heard of the glasses but I refuse to wear them due to the fact that, one.. they look ugly as all get-out, two.. I don't really like wearing glasses, even shades n' such. I have used digital filters, which help me slightly! Although I can't help but feel like my eyes are on fire when I've stayed up for the entire night lol.

1 years ago   Reply (1)

Btw what's your time zone?

Also I heard blue light glasses, or digital filters help with eye strain. You might also want to avoid high contrast scenarios such as max brightness on your phone in pitch black darkness. I've also heard focusing on far away things every once in a while helps. Not sure if any of these actually helps, I've done absolutely no fact checking!

1 years ago   Reply (1)

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