Hey. (Replies)

Btw what's your time zone?

Also I heard blue light glasses, or digital filters help with eye strain. You might also want to avoid high contrast scenarios such as max brightness on your phone in pitch black darkness. I've also heard focusing on far away things every once in a while helps. Not sure if any of these actually helps, I've done absolutely no fact checking!




My time zone? EDT. (Eastern Daylight Time). It's currently 7:35 In the morning.

I have heard of the glasses but I refuse to wear them due to the fact that, one.. they look ugly as all get-out, two.. I don't really like wearing glasses, even shades n' such. I have used digital filters, which help me slightly! Although I can't help but feel like my eyes are on fire when I've stayed up for the entire night lol.

1 years ago   Reply (1)

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