

My family never listens to me.
Mostly my dad.

We have no shampoo
I haven't been able to have a actual shower in 3 days.
I feel disgusting. I've been telling dad to buy us shampoo for a while.
Now he's JUST doing it.
We all haven't been able to have good hygiene for a couple days
2 months ago.
I had these wonderful earbuds. I used them a lot so I can do things.
Suddenly, one day. Someone moved my earbuds. And. I can't find the capsule for them ANYWHERE. I've been looking forever. Before I went on vacation, I said this to my dad over 10 times.
"dad, while I'm gone. Can you PLEASE find my earbuds? I know they are in this small house we have." EVEN OVER TEXT WHEN I'M AT MY GRANDMA'S HOUSE.
I come back month later.
And I ask him. If he found them. And he said.
"Oh. We never looked for them."
It made me cry, since I loved those earbuds. Now I'm about to do dishes. and Ive been listening to music on my Alexa. And my sister said
"don't you have headphones :/"
So I told her the entire fucking thing all over again. And how I'm STRUGGLING.
Now I've lost money SOMEWHERE, I've lost my earbuds, SOMEWHERE IN THIS DAMN HOUSE
Im still struggling because my period. Mood swings emotional shit.
My dad wouldn't even buy me snacks nor Tylenol.
Or ibuprofen
Or whateva. I've been very stressed
Now I'm gonna do some fucking dishes for the 5 time this week before I get grounded ^^💢💢🖕

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