{ ✏️ ZZTheSilly ✏️ } (quit)

The Lab - Ep. 17: Freedom at Last (Season 1 Finale)

**4:12 A.M.**

(Narrator talking the entire episode)

Hanna got up and looked down. Two security guards stood behind her and held their guns at her. They both had a confused expression as she had said something they didn’t hear. She looked at the crowd of all the exps and said..

Hanna: Experiments… get them.

As soon as she was finished saying that, everyone waited three seconds, and then they charged at the crowd of human scientists and attacked them with their powers. Tuka took control over some scientists head and made them commit suicide. Hanna either picked them up with her goo hands and slammed them on the wall or drowned them in her goo. Samuel laughed and laughed loudly, until their ears bled. Lihu read their mind and knew exactly what they were gonna do, and dodged their every move. The experiment with the white horns (Who’s name happened to be Wendy) punched and kicked their faces super hard. The rest of the scientists who were still alive ran away, leading Hanna and the army of experiments to victory. Hanna reached for the doorknob. She turned the doorknob and the door opened. It was right there. Freedom. Freedom at last. Hanna and Tuka and all the experiments cried tears of joy, as they all ran out the building, feeling like they have lifted the last weight on their shoulder. Running, Hanna felt free. The cold grass and soil felt real upon her feet. And she thought “Thank you, Christopher. One day I’ll see you again. I will fulfill my promise to you.” All the experiments ran free, back to where they lived before, except for Tuka. And she certainly didn’t want to go back to that terrible building with the old man. So, Hanna let her into her home. After all, they were best friends. Lihu and Samuel apologized for being so rude, and Hanna forgave them. They couldn’t thank her enough. Hanna called the police. When they arrived, they did freak out a bit. And after a bit of talk, the police said that people at looked like her or had powers would be specially protected from now on. Hanna couldn’t find her home anywhere in the city, as she didn’t know her home was miles away in a different city. Tuka and Hanna didn’t want to walk all the way there, and they decided to call somebody. After shuffling in her contacts a bit, she found Wendy sitting somewhere near them. Hanna and Tuka asked if they could live with Wendy. She said sure, as long as they don’t use their powers for bad purposes. After they came to Wendy’s house, she knocked on the door. Wendy still kind of looked like her human self, so when Wendy’s parents came to the door, they recognized her immediately. They cried and hugged each other, for the first time in years. After Wendy introduced Hanna and Tuka to her parents, they were super nice to them 2. They lived like sisters ever since, but closer. Hanna felt overly happy, as she had finally felt safe for once in her life.

The end.

(See y’all next season ^^)

10 months ago   18 views   1 frames   1 Like


  { ✏️ ZZTheSilly ✏️ } (quit)


Trust me, Season 2 is gonna be a lot ✨JUICIER✨

10 months ago   Reply

That’s kind of a big chunk text right there, but I don’t mind it and the story is good 👍

10 months ago   Reply


10 months ago   Reply (1)

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