(☢️Goofy ahh animation☢️) Mr Milk Man and Filipino Dude 🗿😎🇵🇭 comparing each other's Stands until ♡evil jevi n jevilbabi♡~ showcases their Decoy of the Jevil Store. 🤯😰😱😟😳😲
Curious about what was inside the Jevil Store, Mr Milk Man and Filipino Dude 🗿😎🇵🇭, these guys that compared each other's stands decided to just find it out and entered the building. However, instead of amazing products and gorgeous girly merchandise displayed everywhere for fashion purposes, they went in a literal Labrinth Maze full of Mono Yellowish Continuous Rooms that spans forever known as the Backrooms, and the entire dimension of this madness were in this fake building.
♡jevi n jevilbabi♡~'s literal evil twin's monstrosity thoughts determined that it was a perfect time to capture them and trap them in this excruciating pain of the dimension so that she would meet the same sufferable inevitable excruciating life as these two people. 😰😟😣😞
🤩😁👉Please give a Like so that these 2 people would escape the Backrooms after an eternity of suffering and hopefully live a happy normal life in the normal looking reality! 😊😃😁😉😣👍
This took me forever to make so please like so that you would show your appreciation! ☺️😁😃😲😉😀👍
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