
Anomaly Report 3:The Predatory Ivy

In the depths of the untamed wilderness, a new discovery has been made – the predatory ivy. This enigmatic plant, closely related to poison ivy, possesses unique characteristics that set it apart from its botanical counterparts.

Appearance and Growth:
With fur-like spines covering its surface, the predatory ivy camouflages itself among its surroundings, waiting patiently for unsuspecting prey to cross its path. Its roots, capable of reaching astonishing dimensions, can grow up to 3 inches wide and extend a staggering 50 feet underground.

Venomous Encounter:
When an unsuspecting victim brushes against the predatory ivy, it swiftly injects a potent venom into their system. Over the course of 2-3 hours, the venom takes effect, gradually subjecting the prey to the plant's sinister control.

The Puppeteer's Grip:
Under the influence of the plant's mind-altering venom, the prey becomes an unwitting puppet, compelled to walk towards the predatory ivy. As the prey draws closer, the plant's extensive network of roots emerges from the ground, ensnaring and dragging the hapless victim beneath the surface.

The predatory ivy stands as a chilling testament to the mysteries of the natural world. Its ability to ensnare and manipulate prey through venom and mind control showcases the awe-inspiring yet terrifying diversity of plant life. As we venture into unexplored territories, let us remain cautious and respect the hidden dangers that may lurk within the flora that surrounds us.

Disclaimer: This report is purely fictional and is not based on any known scientific findings. It is purely a product of imagination and creativity.

Remember, this report is purely fictional and meant to entertain. Real-life plants do not possess mind-controlling abilities or pose such threats to humans.

8 months ago   10 views   1 frames   1 Like




Cool, i just really like world building and speculative evolution. If you do too, i would recommend Curious Archive on YT if you haven’t heard of it before

8 months ago   Reply


i got inspiration to do this from vita carnis

8 months ago   Reply (1)

Reminds me of this thing i used to do where i made hybrid dinosaurs and descriptions for them

8 months ago   Reply (2)

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